Aluminum weight calculation formula


Aluminum row weight calculation formula (kg) = 0.00271 × thickness × width × length

Aluminum tube weight calculation formula (kg) = 0.00879 × wall thickness × (outer diameter - wall thickness) × length

Aluminum plate weight calculation formula (kg) = 0.00271 × thickness × width × length

Aluminum rod weight calculation formula (kg) = 0.0022 × diameter × diameter × length

Square aluminum rod weight calculation formula (kg) = 0.0028 × side width × side width × length

Square copper rod weight calculation formula (kg) = 0.0089 × side width × side width × length

Square brass rod weight calculation formula (kg) = 0.0085 × side width × side width × length

Aluminum tread plate calculation formula: weight per square meter = 2.96 * thickness

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